Do your books feature weapons and/or ammunition? 
Make sure you are writing about them accurately. 

The Ohio Valley chapter of RWA presents 
Adam Firestone with an all-day workshop:




Featured Topics:

  • Introduction to Firearms & Ammunition
  • Tactics, Techniques & Procedures
  • Terminal Ballistics
  • Cyber Crime
  • The Choreography of Direct Action
  • Hands On Show and Tell

Adam provides technical consulting services to the literary and entertainment industries,
specializing in action choreography and technical consulting on cyber and weapon technologies.


Saturday, April 14, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

(Q&A to 5 p.m.)

Kings Island Conference Center

5691 Kings Island Drive Mason, OH 45040

Registration Free to OVRWA Members 

$25 Fee to non-OVRWA members – Includes Box Lunch

Contact Becke Martin Davis, Vice President OVRWA, for details
(Post a comment here if you have questions)

Adam Firestone's Bio:
Adam Firestone brings more than 25 years of experience with weapon systems including small arms, artillery, armor, area denial systems and precision guided munitions to this workshop. Additionally, Adam is an accomplished small arms instructor, editor, literary consultant and co-author of a recently published work on the production of rifles in the United States for Allied forces during the First World War.
Growing up in New York City, Adam attended Yale University on an Army ROTC scholarship, and upon graduation, became a commissioned officer in the Army’s armor branch, and was assigned to a cavalry squadron. After active duty he transferred to the National Guard and attended Brooklyn Law School. Completing his legal education, Adam was admitted to a number of state and federal bars and practiced law in New York. During this time, Adam pursued his interest in firearms and firearms education, attaining instructor certifications in rifle, pistol and shotgun, among others. Additionally, he began what was to be a seventeen year tenure as a licensed firearms dealer.
In the mid-1990s, Adam left the practice of law and began designing military command and control and planning systems for warfare areas including naval mine warfare, combat engineering and amphibious maneuver warfare. For the last four years he has been responsible for the complete re-engineering of the systems that plan, initiate, control and evaluate one of the nation’s most important long-range precision strike and power projection weapon systems. As a result of this work, Adam developed an expertise in arms export control regulations such as the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

Adam has been providing general and technical editing services to authors and publishing houses specializing in firearms books since the early 2000s. Additionally, Adam provides literary consulting services to fiction authors including action scene choreography, technical vetting and technical editing. In this line of experience, Adam has had the fortune to work with well known authors including Shannon McKenna and Elizabeth Jennings.

Check out Adam’s blog 

Arma Virumque Cano

Read more about Adam and his work with writers here:


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