April at Barnes & Noble's Mystery Forum

This year is flying by, and April will be here before we know it. Here is the schedule so far - as always, there will probably be more guest blogs added along the way.

Week of April 2 – Dorothy St. James (who also writes as Dorothy McFalls)

Tuesday, April 3 – Guest blog by Erika Chase

Week of April 9 – Natalie J. Damschroder

Tuesday, April 10 – Guest blog by Linda O. Johnston

Week of April 16 – Libby Hellmann

Week of April 23 – American Mystery Classics: Frances Lockridge and Richard Lockridge



Hi Becke! I'm looking forward to spending time with you here at The Mysterious Garden Muse next month!
Becke Davis said…
Hi Dorothy - I'm looking forward to your visit, too! It won't be long - this month is flying!!

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