Brenda Novak's Auction is Coming Up Soon!

A message from Brenda Novak:

Thank you to everyone who has donated to Brenda Novak's 9th Annual Online Auction for Diabetes Research. We're hoping to make this year our best ever. . .and we couldn't do it without the support of our wonderful donors. If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, it's not too late. We'd love to have you on board. Contact Anna at and she'll create a fabulous auction page to showcase your item.

Whether you've donated or not, there are some free and easy ways to support this good cause:

*Register as a bidder (go to: and click on register)

*Like us on Facebook: We'll be posting lots of information here in the coming weeks and throughout the auction. Stay up to date on our progress as we strive to hit $2 million! Sharing and liking these posts would be hugely appreciated.

*Follow us on Twitter: @bnovakauction (we use the hashtag #bnda) Retweet and discuss the auction to your heart's content! The more people we can reach, the closer we'll get to our goal.

*Join us on Pinterest: New this year! We'd love to make the most of this new advertising/promotional option. Feel free to pin a picture of your donation on the page (or send an email to Danita at (, and she'll do it for you.

*Share the link to your item on your social media pages! Encourage your fans/readers to register, visit our FB, Twitter and Pinterest pages. You can find your items on the auction ( by typing your name into the search box at the top right corner. OR email Anna ( and she'll be happy to send you your links.

Diabetes affects millions, but we are so close to a cure. Thanks for your tremendous support. This auction could not succeed without you and, as a mother with a child who has diabetes, I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you are doing. Here's to making a difference. . . and funding a cure for diabetes!

Brenda Novak

P.S. (This is from Becke) Check out Brenda's books, too!


Thanks for the reminder Becke :)
Becke Davis said…
Debbie - This auction is a great fundraiser but there are also lots of FABULOUS things to bid on. Books, author, editor and agent critiques and an incredible assortment of gift baskets. I always donate a couple things - usually books or book-related items.

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