Brenda Novak's Auction is Coming Up Soon!

A message from Brenda Novak : Thank you to everyone who has donated to Brenda Novak's 9th Annual Online Auction for Diabetes Research . We're hoping to make this year our best ever. . .and we couldn't do it without the support of our wonderful donors. If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, it's not too late. We'd love to have you on board. Contact Anna at and she'll create a fabulous auction page to showcase your item. Whether you've donated or not, there are some free and easy ways to support this good cause: *Register as a bidder (go to: and click on register) *Like us on Facebook: . We'll be posting lots of information here in the coming weeks and throughout the auction. Stay up to date on our progress as we strive to hit $2 million! Sharing and liking these posts would be hugely appreciated. *Follo...