The times, they are a-changing

Prior to today's post, I'd gone over a year without updating this blog. We did have a LOT going on this year, but still, I'll try to do better.

I just noticed I also haven't updated the introduction at the top of the blog, which currently reads: "I moderated the Mystery Book Club at Barnes and and wrote their Garden Variety blog. B&N discontinued the boards and forums in May 2014. I'm also part of the Romance University team. I'm a multi-published garden writer/author and a struggling fiction writer, a member of Sisters in Crime, the Ohio Valley RWA and Chicago North RWA as well as an RWA-PRO. I'm the author of six non-fiction books, one co-authored with my daughter. I became a grandma in 2012."

At least I did change the tenses when Barnes & Noble archived the garden blog and all the forums. I really miss the Mystery Forum. There is a group on Facebook called B&N Mystery Forum Refugees, which keeps the spirit of the original forum alive. I wish we could access the original blog, especially special events like our celebration of Agatha Christie's 120th birthday celebration. So many authors wrote posts for that occasion, it would have been fun to make it a regular event.

Pretty much everything has changed since I wrote that intro. Romance University has just gone on an indefinite hiatus, and while I was a struggling fiction writer, and hope to get back to writing soon, for now my focus is spending time with my two granddaughters, ages three and a half and six.

The Ohio Valley chapter of RWA bit the dust when a series of moves (including my own) left us unable to meet RWA rules for electing a new board. I made so many wonderful friends in OVRWA, it makes me sad to think those monthly meetings are no more. I dropped my memberships in RWA, Garden Writers Association and Sisters in Crime since I'm not actively pursuing my writing career right now, and I let my Chicago membership lapse for the same reason. (And the fact that I no longer live in Chicago.)

So, life goes on and changes are part of the process. Thanks for continue to follow this very random and often infrequent blog. I'll try to do better.


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