It's a Month of Cozy(ish) Crime at B&N's Mystery Book Club in June

Week of May 31/June 1 - Connie Shelton

Week of June 7 - Krista Davis

Week of June 14 - Heather Webber (her garden mysteries mainly); she may bring her blog partners along, too

Week of June 21 - Avery Aames

Week of June 28 - Jennie Bentley


Ryan said…
They all sound fun. I'll be popping in and out this month as it's going to be a chaotic one for me. Take care!
thanks Becke, I'm there. As you well know
Becke Davis said…
Hi Debbie and Ryan! Thanks so much for stopping by. And here's some news I haven't posted at B&N yet - I'm going to have a special Father's Day feature, too. Stay tuned!
Becke Davis said…
Debbie - After reading your review, I think we should kick off with Jim's book, don't you? I'll do that tomorrow.
Kaye said…
Hi Becke, just popping in to say hi and see what's new. Looks like I've been missing a lot of good stuff at B&N mystery club. I may have to come back for a look.
Becke Davis said…
Kaye - a lot of things have changed. The page is a little bit changed but more is to come, including (before long) an easier sign in process.

I no longer have to stick to a two-book-per-month feature, so I've been going kind of crazy. We've had a LOT of author visits, and will continue to do so.

I hope you'll stop by - I miss you!

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