It's a Month of International Crime at B&N's Mystery Book Club/Forum

We're globe-trotting at Barnes & Noble's Mystery Book Club in May.

During Week One, we are featuring LEIGHTON GAGE, whose mysteries are set in Brazil.

Joining Leighton are his blog-mates, authors whose mysteries are also set in exotic places:

Cara Black (France)

Michael Sears and Stanley Trollip, writing as Michael Stanley (South Africa)

Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (Iceland)

Dan Waddell (England)

Tim Hallinan (Thailand)

During Week Two (week of May 10), author ERIN HART will join us to talk about her books, which are set in Ireland. Erin is joining us by popular request - I asked our board regulars to pick an author for this feature, and many chose Erin. There is also a separate "thread" where you can make your own recommendations for future international features.

For Week Three, our featured guest will be a relatively new author, JAMIE FREVELETTI. Jamie's first book takes us from Miami to Bogotá; her second book takes us into even more dangerous waters.

I hope to have Jo Nesbø with us during Week Four, but there may be a deadline conflict. I'll be back to confirm as soon as I have the details.


Kaye said…
Hi Becke, just wanted to pop in to say hi and Happy Mother's Day.
Becke Davis said…
Happy Mother's Day to you, too, Kaye!
Becke Davis said…
Hi Joe - Thanks for stopping by. I do most of my garden blogging over at B&N's Garden Variety these days. Here is a link:
Cheryl Tardif said…
This looks like a great roundup of authors. I'll have to go check them out. Thanks for telling us about them.

And if you ever need a Canadian author to round out a worldwide tour, let me know. I'm up for pretty much anything, as long as it doesn't involve streaking or skydiving. (Ok, well maybe just not the skydiving.) ;-)

Cheryl Kaye Tardif
bestselling Canadian suspense author
Becke Davis said…
The month's not over yet, Cheryl. I'll go introduce you here right now:

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