"Silver and Gold"

Click the title to visit Michelle Buonfiglio's ROMANCE: B(U)Y THE BOOK, where my Christmas short story, "Silver and Gold" is being featured today -- Friday, December 18. I hope you like it. Merry Christmas!


Ryan said…
Loved the story, I want more of it. I have this burning desire to know what happens next.
Becke Davis said…
Ryan - I'm so glad you liked it! I thought it was finished, but my critique partners feel that it needs to be developed into a full novel. I know what I'll be doing in January -- wish me luck!
Kaye said…
Hi Becke

Just popping in to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Becke Davis said…
Merry Christmas, Kaye! I tried to respond yesterday but apparently my computer took the day off!
Ryan said…
When that novel is finished I'll be lining up to find out what happens next.
Becke Davis said…
Ryan - I'm nearly finished with revisions on one story; this will come next.

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