Summer Color


Ryan said…
absolutely beautiful
Kaye said…
Oh, sooooo pretty! Nice shots Becke. Sounds like your gardening thing is really taking off. Gotta check out those B&N blogs someday. Have a good week.
Jean Campbell said…
Hi, Becke, Love the Hisbicus (Hibisci, hibiscuses?) and the pastels. Summer color will soon give way to fall shades; Poison Ivy is turning already.
Becke Davis said…
Hi Ryan, Kaye and NellJean -- I just changed the settings so now your comments will show up right away.

The hibiscus are really gorgeous this summer, maybe because we've had a lot more rain than usual. It's been very stormy, too. I'm glad these pictures came out because it was pretty windy when I took them.

My husband is the real photographer of the family, but I think my pictures are getting better!

By the way, I just started a sister blog to this one. I use this blog for B&N and garden-related things, and my family has been after me to do a blog where I actually write. Well, what they want is for me to write all the crazy family stories, so I don't know how much interest those will be to anyone else.

I don't know if there is a link to it on Blogger, but this is the url, if you want to check it out:

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