And still more pictures of Ault Park


Jean Campbell said…
I located your blog again, just in time to see all the Ault spring pics. Beautiful!
Well here I am just another place to keep track of you Becke. The pictures really make me want to go out side in my own town and take in all their beauty. Problem is when I get out there my eyes water and my nose runs and I can't breathe. Oh well my life is full of sacrifices. So I'll just sit inside for now until the pollen is done doing it's stuff and then I spend the rest of the season in my screened in porch watching the humming birds and the orioles compete for the feeders, not to mention watching my wild flower garden grow. When the time comes I'll snap a few shots for you.
Becke Davis said…
Sorry for the delay in replying -- I forgot to check and see if there were comments waiting to be authorized (I changed the security setting because some spam-type comments were getting through.

Nell, I'm so happy to hear from you after all this time! Back when we met at the online university, the photos of your garden never failed to get ooohs and aaaahs!

Debbie - my allergies are mostly animal-related, so the fact that I only have one cat left out of my menagerie probably explains why they aren't so bad anymore.

My son always had bad allergy attacks when the honeylocusts bloomed down here, but, now that he's in Chicago, he doesn't seem to be suffering from pollen-type allergies so much. I sympathize with you, but I'm glad you at least have the hummingbirds! Aren't they wonderful?
Anna Campbell said…
What lovely pictures, Becke! Thanks for sharing them.

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