Mystery Book Club feature for April at THE BIG DIRT NAP

THE BIG DIRT NAP is the sequel to PUSHING UP DAISIES by author and Master Gardener, Rosemary Harris.  Rosemary visited's Mystery Book Club last year when her debut mystery came out.  With the release of her second in the Dirty Business series, Rosemary is back for an encore.

Who else but Rosemary could center a plot around the noxious-smelling corpse flower?  Join us to talk to Rosemary about her gardening experiences and her books.


Rosemary Harris said…
Just looking at your spring and summer pix is making me long for warmer days. I won't be able to get in my garden until the tour for Big Dirt Nap ends and that looks like mid-June. Today is finally a bit warmer (it snowed yesterday!) and I see some buds..
Becke Davis said…
Rosemary -

It snowed here on Tuesday, but today is lovely. In my yard, cherry and peach trees are in bloom, crabapples are about to bloom, forsythia, daffodils, hellebores, pansies are all blooming, too.

The peonies will be budding before long, and the dried wisteria pods are dropping as the buds get ready to bloom. Koreanspice viburnum, Miss Kim lilacs and irises will be blooming before long, too.

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