Container Crazy

I have no self-control when it comes to containers. My front yard gets hit with full sun all day, so anything in the front has to be able to survive heat, the occasional drought, and sun, sun, sun. Sometimes the heat is too much for me. It's kind of like the porridge in Goldlilocks and the Three Bears. My front yard gets too much sun, my backyard gets too much shade, but the three-level deck is just right.
So, my deck is a garden in itself, with wisteria climbing the pergola -- and after five years or more, it finally bloomed this year! There are masses of hanging baskets and containers of all shapes and sizes. I like the deck to feel kind of like a jungle, so I go very over the top. I have morning glories and clematis in containers, too, so there are climbing plants to add height. I have some built-in containers where I grow shrubs. I mix styrofoam peanuts in with the potting mix to keep it light and aerated, and it seems to work. This year the dwarf Alberta spruces I started in two built-in containers made the move to the back garden, after doubling in size in about five years. I have replaced them with boxwoods and some trailing annuals for a different look this year.
I like to try different exotic plants in the containers, as well as annuals, grasses, herbs, roses and perennials. I will attach some pictures from this year. The container garden has a different look each year because I always like to try new things!