Who's Your Muse?

I've been thinking about muses a lot lately. I have a gnome that I consider my garden muse. I'll post his picture here. I don't have a name for him, so feel free to post suggestions for a name!


Kaye said…
Oh, Becke, Becke,Becke, if he doesn't look like a "Pops", I don't know what he looks like. I name my penguins after the people (Or some variation of their name) who give them to me. Just a suggestion.
Becke Davis said…
Oh my gosh, that's perfect! And he's even holding a lolliPOP! Thanks so much for the suggestion: his new name is Pops!

The only other name I'd thought of was Big Ears, after the gnome in the famous English Noddy and Big Ears stories. Except he doesn't have big ears!

Thanks so much for the suggestion!

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